St Thomas Hospital Medical School

This was the 2nd visit of the day back in 2015 after having popped over to Thames Steel. We got caught of guard there and ended up spending a lot longer there than we had anticipated. So that meant that this site we could only afford to spend 30 mins in, or the car would have been getting locked in a carpark in Upminster and there is no way home
Nice one to slayaaa for showing us around, and for the company for the rest of the day.. Top day exploring just like last time
So it was a bit gutting when we got there and the access was closed up, but a little while later we were on the inside. When I saw this pop-up online I thought that looks cool and should pop down and have a look, and it did not disappoint at all. All I hope is that I can manage another trip here and catch the sunset up the tower. I don’t think that will disappoint at all.

HISTORY again thanks to slayaaaa

The building was part of St Thomas' Hospital which was established in 1173. According to historical records St Thomas's Hospital Medical School was founded in about 1550. It was admitted as a school of the University of London in 1900 but remained a constituent part of St Thomas' Hospital until 1948 when it formally became part of the university. In 1982 it merged with the medical school at Guy's Hospital to form the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals. In turn UMDS was absorbed by King's College London School of Medicine and Dentistry, but the dentists have since been split out into The Dental Institute.
Unlike the hospital which in recent times dropped the possessive "s", the medical school continued with the original spelling.

The site was used for the filming of the well-known film 28 days later


Tilbury A. Abandoned Power Station


Cromer Courts and Police Station